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About us

RM (RichMan)
Who are we?

RM (RichMan)

Significance and Vision: The name RM (RichMan) represents the aspiration for wealth, success, and happiness – universal desires that everyone seeks.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to attain these values, and our mission is to provide you with the means to realize this vision.

Employee Growth:

Employee Growth:

Exceptional Customer Experience:

Exceptional Customer Experience:
Environmental Responsibility:

Environmental Responsibility:

Innovation and Diversity:

Innovation and Diversity:
RM (RichMan) is a brand you can trust.
We are committed to providing you with high quality, environmentally friendly and innovative products to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.

When you choose RM, you are not only choosing products, but also a kind of trust and cooperation.

We welcome you to join us as the RichMan in your life, and let's create a richer, more successful and happier future together!

Contact Us

Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.